Welcome to School Safety and Prevention
Our goal is to provide a quality education in a safe learning environment for every student in the Franklin County School System. School safety has been and continues to be critical issues in the lives of students, educators, parents, families, and community members. There is a growing concern over the safety of our students due to recent national school incidents of violence. In the event of a crisis, natural disaster, or inclement weather situation, we want all of our parents and stakeholders to be assured that our top priority is the safety and security of all who are on our campuses. Educators are less able to provide effective instruction in an event that is perceived to be unsafe. While students are under the supervision of school personnel, the only priority that is more important than educating them is maintaining their safety.
Franklin County Schools annually updates our Emergency Operations Procedures (EOP). These procedures provide our faculty, staff, and administrators specific instructions to respond to various events. These procedures are used in annual safety and security training for all employees. We also conduct emergency response drills to practice and improve the effectiveness of our response to various situations. The district meets with city and county officials and other agencies that are always there to assist our school system in time of need. We have a crisis response team at each school and at the district level that includes administrators, licensed professional counselors, law enforcement, fire and medical emergency responders, and other individuals that are ready to respond.
Emergency Operation Procedures, safe place diagrams, and fire escape diagrams are posted in every room that houses students in each school. Our staff members has training on reporting child abuse and neglect, Erin's law sexual abuse prevention, and Jason Flatt suicide prevention awareness on an annual basis.
If there is ever any concern about the safety of one of our campuses, please feel free to contact the principal at that campus, the superintendent, or the school safety coordinator at any time.
School Safety Coordinator
Mr. Barry Laster barrylaster@franklin.k12.al.us 256-332-1360 ext 1401