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Title II

Title II

 Preparing, Training, and Recruiting Highly Qualified Teachers and Principals

Title II funds are used for professional development and class size reduction.  Each school completes a professional development component of the schools' continuous improvement plan.  All plans are based on needs assessment used to determine the professional development needs for the schools and county.  These plans are available at the schools, at the central office nad the world wide web.  The Alabama Regional In-service center located on the campus of the University of North Alabama provides professional development opportunities.  The State Department of Edcuation provides training for central office personnel who in turn train teachers and administrators at the local level.  

Class Size Reduction

Another very important use of Title II funds for the school system is for class size reduction teachers.  These teachers are placed in schools with a large number of students eligible for free and reduced lunch, minority students, students with low test scores, and (English Learners) EL students.