Alabama Courses of Study (COS) and supporting Curriculum Guides
This link provides users direct access to all grade level and content area courses of study (COS) for students in Alabama K-12 Public Education. Also, this link gives teachers log in access to The Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) which includes multimedia, learning activities, lessons, and unit plans all “connected” by the Alabama Standards to promote deeper-learning competencies essential for success in college, careers, and our global society.
2019 Alabama Math Course of Study (draft form)
The 2019 Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics defines the knowledge and skills students should know and be able to do after each course and upon graduation from high school. Mastery of the standards enables students to expand professional opportunities, understand and critique the world, and experience the joy, wonder, and beauty of mathematics (National Council of Teacher of Mathematics [NCTM], 2018). Courses within the 2019 Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics are organized into Alabama Content Areas which are adapted from those present in the draft of the NAEP 2025 Mathematics Framework. High school courses also incorporate recommendations for the Essential Concepts as identified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2018) and other documents.