Adult Education
Adult Continuing Education
Franklin County Schools provide programs to help individuals complete their high-school diploma. Some of these may include credit recovery, remediation, and computer assisted programs. Other programs that may contribute to a student's success include the JAG, Summer School, and Drug Prevention Eduction. Additional classes may be set up to learn English, parenting enrichment, and financial Adults are referred to Adult Basic Classes provided by Northwest-Shoals Community College. The College can be reached by calling 256-331-5200 (Shoals Campus) or 256-331-6200 (Phil Campbell Campus).
Community Education provides lifelong learning opportunities for adults to take enrichment and employment training classes. Some of the classes offered in the past include: Basic Computer Skills, Excel, Advanced Computer Skills, Internet Search, Photography and Camera Classes, Floral Bow Tying, Welding, Extreme Couponing, Introduction to Bridge, Caligraphy, and Computer Maintenance. All classes are required to have a minimum number of attendees, fees paid, and the availability of an instructor.
If you would like more information regarding any of these programs or to suggest a needed program or class you may be interested in please contact Community Education at