Excuses/Make-Up Work
Excuses/Make-Up Work
A. Excuses
It will be the student's responsibility to provide the designated local school official with the proper data to verify that an absence should be excused, by fax or hand delivery. THIS MUST BE DONE NO LATER THAN THREE (3) DAYS AFTER RETURNING TO SCHOOL.
NOTE: Only five (5) handwritten excuses per semester will be accepted from parents unless there are extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control that are approved by the principal.
B. Make-up work
When a student is absent from school for any reason, it is his or her responsibility to contact the teacher of the class missed concerning make-up work. Students will be allowed to make up work missed for any excused absence and for the first five (5) unexcused absences, other than out of school suspensions. Thereafter, no make-up work is permitted for unexcused absences. Students must make up missed work within five (5) days upon returning to school, except in extenuating circumstances.