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Pupil absences in the Franklin County School System shall be designated as excused or unexcused.

A. Excused absences

Absences will be excused for the following reasons:

  1. DEATH - in the immediate family but no further removed than first cousin. (This must be verified)
  2. SICKNESS - verified by a doctor's or dentist's excuse.
  3. INCLEMENT WEATHER - verified by the local principal.
  4. EMERGENCY - as determined by school administration.
  5. PRIOR PERMISSION - of the principal for good cause.


B. Unexcused absences

 Absences for reasons other than those defined above shall be considered as unexcused.  Unexcused reasons include, but are not limited to:

  1. Work
  2. Poverty
  3. Truancy
  4. Parental Neglect


C. Tardiness

Tardiness to school or to class is prohibited, and is an infraction of school rules.  Students who are tardy will be subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined under Franklin County Board Policy.  Tardy is defined as not being in class by the second bell.

 D. School Participation Absences

Students who are away from classes because of participation in school-sponsored activities approved by the principal shall be marked present and permitted to make up school work missed.  It is the responsibility of the student to notify the teacher and arrange for make-up work.

E. Truancy

Truancy is the habitual and unlawful absence from school.  In accordance with Alabama School Law, the parent or legal guardian is responsible for requiring any student under his/her control or charge between the ages of six and seventeen years of age to attend school regularly except for legal absences as defined by Alabama School Law and Alabama State Board of Education rules and regulations.  Provided a student between the ages of six and seventeen years of age becomes truant, the parent or legal guardian of said student might be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to punishment by law. Provided the parent or legal guardian files a written statement stating that he or she is not in control of such student, the student may then be subjected to action of the juvenile court.