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Alabama 21st CCLC Logo

Franklin County's 21st Century Community Learning Centers Community Education (The Right Approach Creates Knowledge and Success) facilitates life-long learning activities for children and parents/guardians to improve their lives and their communities.  Family involvement and community partners are an integral part in assuring the success of students.  Academics are improved through the use of technology, the arts, and career-technical activities.

Through innovative programs, our 21st Century Community Learning Centers Community Education Programs help local citizens, schools, agencies and institutions to become active partners in addressing education and community concerns by improving quality of life in their communities.  Community Education also provides many extras needed to actively engage students' learning in all our schools, such as equipment, software, technology, and other educational services.  The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Community Education helps fill the gap through obtaining grants and funding. Our goal is to improve communities by providing quality sources for our schools, students, and parents/guardians.

Our 21st Century Community Learning Centers Community Educationoffers a broad array of activities and enhances academics in providing quality assistance in the following areas:  

  • After-School and Summer Program - 21st Century Community Learning Centers (6 Locations)


  • Prevention Education


  • ACT Prep. Workshops


  • School to Community Activities


  • Parental Involvement 



Alabama Community Education Logo
Extension Service Logo