• Career Tech

    Vina High School students in 10th - 12th grade can choose to attend Franklin County Career Technical Center.  Students are bused after lunch to the center located at Belgreen and bused back to Vina by the end of the day.  Click on the link below to visit explore their website.  

  • FCCTC CRI Programs
    Automotive Refinishing 
    CRI: I-CAR (14 modules) 
    Teacher: Steve Watts ext. 3080
    Stackable credentials: OSHA-10, Certified Forklift Operator
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA
     *** I-CAR (stands for Inter-Industry Conference of Auto Collision Repair) is an international, not-for-profit training
    organization that offers classes, activities and resources that focus on helping the collision industry to achieve a high level of technical training 

    Building Construction 
    CRI: NCCER (National Center for Construction Ed. and Research) (8 Modules)
    Teacher: Todd Johnson ext. 3060
    Stackable credentials: OSHA-10, Certified Forklift Operator
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA

     Business Education 
    CRI: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
    Teacher: Doris Holderby ext. 3030
    Student Organization: FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America

    CRI: Nail Care-750 clock hours
    Teacher: Danielle Hargett ext.3020
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA

    CRI: Dual Enrollment/NCCERTeacher: 
    Teacher: Jamie Johnson ext. 3040 
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA
    Dual Enrollment-Credit  

    Teacher: Andrea Sornberger ext. 3090
    CRI: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
    CRI: Patient Care Tech (PCT)
    Stackable Credentials: CPR/First Aid/IED Training
    Student Organization: HOSA

    Idustrial Maintenance 
    CRI: NCCER (National Center for Construction Ed. and Research) (8 Modules)
    Teacher: Rick Suddith ext. 3050
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA

    Teacher: Justin Steele ext.3070
    CRI: Dual Enrollment/NCCER/AWS-American Welding Association
    Student Organization: SkillsUSA
    Dual Enrollment-Credit  
    Career Tech Credential at High Schools

    Culinary Arts (Local Schools)
    CRI: ServSafe
    Student Organization: FCCLA

    Business Ed. 
    CRI: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

    FACS - Family and Consumer Science  
    CRI: ServSafe

    CRI: Landscape Design Technician