Wildcat News

Mission Statement

  • The mission of Tharptown Elementary is to provide all students with a quality educational experience that prepares them for a successful future. #growingourfuture

     Our vision is that Tharptown Elementary School will engage students in differentiated, collaborative, hands-on learning that promotes critical thinking in a safe and supportive environment.   The philosophy of Tharptown Elementary School is Teamwork Equals Success. The stakeholders of Tharptown believe teamwork equals success, as the stakeholders share a set of common goals for the students of Tharptown Elementary:

    • to meet students' individual learning needs through engaging, differentiated, standards-based learning. 
    • to ensure students explore new learning by using hands-on, concrete manipulatives to deepen their understanding of the content. 
    • to equip our students to effectively communicate using grade-level academic vocabulary to explain and defend their strategies. 
    • to offer educational activities that challenge students to think critically and take responsibility for their actions
    • to provide a safe environment conducive to learning, which is essential in encouraging growth and development as safety drills are performed on a regular basis throughout the school year
    • to provide clear communication to all stakeholders, which includes sharing the responsibility to help students reach their fullest potential
    • to provide all stakeholders with opportunities to provide input in decision-making and school programs
    • to foster relationships and provide support for all families as our learning community becomes more diverse

Educational Resources

Announcements & Important Information

Upcoming Events

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